The “ELLIOT-10” are ten safety-focused rules created to make sure every employee goes home safe every day.
Our President and CEO, David Haskins, and the leadership team came up with the ELL10T to help improve safety for our employees. They wanted to find a systematic way to reach Target Zero, and after studying our incidents, they came up with 10 things we could do at Elliot to reduce accidents.
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01. Communication
We are expected to engage in three-way communication while performing any critical task or before taking an irreversible action, something which cannot be undone after we initiate it.
Three-way communication means the worker states what he is proposing to do during the next step and waits for the observer to verbally respond ( with an approval or a challenge) before taking any further actions.
Three way Communication for Critical Tasks Examples
- Before connecting or cutting a jumper
- Before installing or removing a mechanical jumper
- Before opening or closing a switch
- Before placing an apparatus into service (transformer, regulator, recloser, capacitor)
- Before testing and ground application
- Before cutting a conductor under tension
- Before disconnecting power to a line or equipment or before restoring power to a line or equipment
- Have others repeat your instructions and expectations, you owe it to them to make sure they understood you
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02. Fall Protection
- Required above four feet (except on ladders)
- Harness and lanyard for bucket work, connected to approved anchorage points
- Wood pole fall protection (bucksqueeze) when working from poles, rigged so no freefall more than two feet is possible.
- All equipment inspected prior to use
- All equipment adjusted and worn as intended by manufacturer
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03. Following Distance
- 4 seconds in pickups and cars
- 7 seconds in large trucks
- Increase distance in wet, frozen, or reduced visibility situations
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04. Gloves & Sleeves
- Required from cradle to cradle when working from a bucket
- Required within five feet of electrical utility attachment if working from the pole
- Required from lock to lock when working with pad-mounted transformers
- Required when within MAD in any unspecified circumstance
- Overshoes required when gloves are required (unless in an insulated bucket)
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05. Grounding EPZ
- All conductors and structure connected together with temporary grounds to achieve the same potential on all points
- Bracket installed and connected to the neutral on all wooden poles where employees are working
- Metal poles bonded to condcutors
- Gloves, sleeves, hot work methods required if no epz is set up
- Box or bracket grounds are not adequate protection
- Rubber gloves and overshoes are required for handling downed conductors from ground level
- Testing required before ground application
- Grounds applied and removed with sticks only
- Tags are required when open points are out of view or control
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06. Job Briefing
- Required before start of task
- Required when task plan changes
- Required when others arrive at site
- Required when new hazards are seen
- Required to be documented (IPad)
- Detailed with specific hazards, tasks, and steps
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07. Leadership
- Lead by example
- Clearly communicate expectations and instructions
- Observe and enforce rules and procedures
- Address shortcomings with coaching any time an expectation is not being met
- Treat others as you would be treated
- Be patient, teach and explain, again and again
- Represent our values to customers, the public, and our team
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08. Line of Fire
- Avoid drop zones, instruct the team to avoid them
- Stay away from under lifted loads
- Stay away from the V, the area where if something breaks the tension will go
- Look before we place our hands or feet
- Watch when moving machines, watch when working around moving machines
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09. Observer
- Devoted solely to observing energized or critical task. No other task while observing
- Positioned to see the work. Stop work if visibility is obstructed
- Wears observer vest
- Qualified to understand the requirements of the task being observed
- In constant communication with workers performing the observed task (3 way comm.)
- Designated during the briefing
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10. Proper Cover
- Inspect cover tools before use
- Cover within MAD of work area
- Cover based on worst-case-scenario…..what could possibly go wrong? Cover for possible failures (slips, drops, uncontrolled tails)
- Cover energized parts
- When handling energized parts, cover grounded parts possible to contact
- Cover grounded or energized parts of circuits below you
- Wrap and pin blankets
- Interlock hoses with coupler ends
- Cover is for incidental contact, not for prolonged contact
- Leave no gaps
- Discuss cover in detail before starting work – Where to place it, Order of placement and removal, How many to use, Why we are using the cover and where